hah Kevin-

Monday, October 31, 2005

buey ta han man.. feeling very terrible now..

went DXO @ ESPLande, wah lau how to spell? i know HC spell as expxxxx hahah. it's a celebration for esther la.. went with ermin timo & HC.

anyway, reach there last night 10plus then got Q 1 sia, so i tot inside a lot of people.. haha, go inside liao very empty 1.. dance floor empty, got tables for us also.. lol
cover charge $18, 1 bottle of jimbean $98. timo, ermin & me share bottle, kao man, that 1 bottle enough for 3 of us liao.. nothing to do, then keep drinking & drinking. then esther got some cigarettes for us, i smoked 2 or 3 sticks, i cant remember.. i also remember nigel, i think that's his name, a friend of esther, keep coming over & say "BOTTOM UP"

buey ta han man.. dunno what time, i think after boro lead 1-0 that time, i'm too high liao, the music there not nice, but i like the bass, super heavy hahaha.. then i seh liao la.. then i cant remember anything already..

i saw edwin puke, then i start to puke. i think i puke 2 times inside, then esther also high high & a friend of her pass me lots of tissue. hahah

then HC BF came to fetch her.. then we left 2 plus.. when outside, i cannot ta han also, puke 2 times again.. then i realised i'm alone outside, dunno where timo & ermin went to, but i can hear their voice, i think they are at a table behind me, then i lie on the grasspatch. yes i know it's ditry, but i feel better lying down.. haha

then some people, they also high, keep coming & talking to me & keep shaking hands.. brother brother, that's what i keep hearing.. lol

then timo & i share cab home lor, that driver is nice, prepare plastic bag for me.. then i puke inside 2 times also la..
the taxi ride is 1 hell of an experience.. the car macham moving @ 150mph.. haha, i keep kaopei-ing, ask the driver to drive slower hahha
i feel cold, so i kp ask him off air con can anot? i damm cold, then i feel hot, lol then heng i can wind down the window, & heng i never open the god damm door..

then i think i fell asleep before reaching expressway.. with the plastic bag slinging on my ears..

when reach my home liao.. i cannot ta han also, then sit on cab for another 5 min before i made my way home.. hahah.. bth siaaa

reach home on shower & i just sat there for dunno how long also... then quickly wear sth & sleep liao...

let me add sth.. hmmm, it's hallowweeee night so there got 2 female ghosts carrying baby, that 1 is damm scary.. then hmm, i remembered i called crystal & tell her y i dun like to club..

then DXO 2nd level is empty, got some comfortable sofa also.. hmmmmhm, i missed this morning soccer match. simon asks me if i can play on wed, i say ok, but he never gets back to me liao, so i assume no match..

oh man, this is the 2nd time i got hangover from drinking & 1st time that i puke from drinking..

the jim bean whiskey, i think is really not niceee.. yuckss...

u may be wondering what the hell am i typing, i have no much idea also.. still feeling miserable from hangover..


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