hah Kevin-

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Wah sian man. I woke up 10:50 in the morning & i thought the weather is nice. So i decided to go for a sun tanning session @ SAFRA. I reach the pool @ 11:30am exactly coz i thought this is the opening hours.

Went in, woot, the sun is still strong. So i apply oil on my body. Then @ this moment, cloud started to gather above me. Nice right? I decided to read a mag to see how, there's still sun here & there. Then @ 12noon, i give up coz i see very dark clouds above already.

I went to take a shower & when i came out, woot, sun is there again. This is not the first time already. Haiz, no fate leh.

Then go eddie's shop to take back my dvd & buy lunch & come home. Now going to watch DVD & slack @ home liao.

Gym in the evening.



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