hah Kevin-

Friday, December 30, 2005

Some of my fans ask me why i so long never update liao, i reply, if i were to update everything, then i need to have so many posts, i where got so much free time to blog?

ok, she requests me to blog about this.

HC was admitted to hospital, wah lau eh, she never tell me, ermm, y must she in the first place? it was a fine wed afternoon when i am surfing the forums when pa msn me "ehh, later we going hospital u wanna come?"
i reply WTH, go hosptial want me to go for what? so dirty, i see many scary things..
then he updates me about HC then i say ok lor, since i am rather free, but i wanna gym in the afternoon first coz i'm GAY.
then ok la, he tells me it's in the evening coz we have to wait for esther. ok lor...

i took a nap at 4pm after i tell pa about Yu tian's son becoming an idiot. many people say it's to escape NS @ taiwan, but i see, if this is the case, he's 1 of the top 10 pussy in this world..

pa actually wanna tell me that esther knock off at 5:45 & ask me if i wanna go fetch her, i say ok, after my nap. but i woke up at 6pm with 7 missed call. i called pa & he tells me that he's going to fetch esther first, we shall meet at the hospital..

i then rush my dinner & go down liao. i miss a turn & has to make a U turn that's so far away. anyway, i am lucky. i park my tofu van & i called them, they are still at the lobby.

when i saw HC, OMG, i wanna cry. she looks so ke lian, she never eat for 2 days liao & she has become so thin.. haiz.. (ok, i am faking about the part that i wanna cry, but she does look ke lian la)

as my usual self, i keep crapping & crapping. & esther said something about me again, "omg NATO, u r becoming a '88 liao"


we left at 8pm after i watch FULUSHOU @ her ward. we then proceed to lunch. errr, i was following pa's car when he never go straight, he make a left turn to dunno what road. (we wanted to go upper thomson to eat) i then follow him la, then i tell him to follow me. with logic, to get back to the road i need to go straight, i then go straight & pa turns left!! wah lau eh.. turn out that he's going the right way, then i go to a damm far place before i make another stupid U turn to long house. ermmm, opposite it to have our dinner...

sometimes, it's so fustrating to travel with people who dont seem to know the road well, making wrong turn, 1 wrong leads to another.. the weather was bad in the beginning & there's lots of fogging for my van.. but nvm, we reach somewhere to have dinner..

& that's all~~ (i shall not update what happen after 10pm.)


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