hah Kevin-

Monday, August 01, 2005

Went for Ace Vanatics gathering last night. Saw lots of exotices Acers man, but of coz, talk a lot of stuffs. There's this Victor Tan who talked to me about bodybuilding too. Best hairstyle belongs to Eric, godspeedyou. He looks kind of funky too. Best liteace's exterior i think should be Techlink la, how he get noah orginal kits? Best interior will be duckrice! OMG, his liteace's interior is so ultra special. How did he manage to talk with LTA & pass those mod? ahaha.. By right it's a subwoofer, but at least 2 persons can sit very comfortablely.. There's this MAtthew's LA. Look like Initial D Takumi AE86. I hear his racing stories, omg, can fight with a lot of cars too. & he help me to tune my sound systems too, i find the sound much nicer. Thanks ah.

more pics info @ http://vanninculture.com/news09.htm

Wake up early morning for soccer match. Not so bad, but the result was not to us. Shall not disclose the score. Lester says he wants me to sign a contract. But i think i'm always quite a good player for sunday football 1 la. Just put on my boots again, need more time to regain my fitness & touch. If i can play till my 2001-2002 standard then good la..


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