hah Kevin-

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I have no more joy when driving the van, since the destroyer is back home. Everytime he's away, i can live happily. I can do whatever i want ALONE in the room, as in there's no1 to disturbe me when i wanna study.

Freak, this happiness is so short-lived. He's back home, messing up the room, messing up with the van. I put 1 car perfume in the van, the first night he drove out, it ends up on the floor. Some of the content spilled onto the windscreen. The van is so dirty when i never drive it for 3 days. The car seats got out of shape, there's sweet wrappers all around the van, the remote got damaged (I'm still not sure if it's the maid who wet the remote. KNN) WTF!!!

If you are reading this blog, you have a room to spare, please let me know, i wanna move OUT!!


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