hah Kevin-

Monday, November 07, 2005

Woke up 6:32 in the morning. This time is for something which i have more interest in: da soccer match.

Had breakfast on the road & i reached the soccer pitch @ Singapore Indian Assoc @ 7:55am. It was raining rather heavily, i brought my field chair & umbrella along & camp beside the soccer pitch. Macham picnic sia. LoL.

Keira smsed us that we will kicked off @ 8am sharp, i think i tio aeroplane again.

He reached a few minutes later than 8am & we proceed to a shelter area. We consulted the groundman & he will allow the match to proceed if the rain were to stop. God is kind & he stopped the rain.

We are having a match with Singapore Veteran. That team consist of mostly indians, some chinese & i think 3 negros. Damm they are tall & powerful.

My team line up.

Lips Bodybuilder Simon Precious
Roslan Lester Albert Ang

We started off very brightly. With precious's power runs into their penalty box, providing a few good cross-shots. Simon & bodybuilder partner well together in the middle of the park. Defence is doing ok & Roslan is giving me a lot of supports. This is the first time Roslan & me are playing together. I must say that i like to play with him behind me. Their RB & RM are IMO their weak points. I took advantage of their right side. I made only 2 crosses with my left foot coz i sliced 3-4 balls for goal kicks. (I'm a right footed ok). My best cross was the time when Simon passed to me, i controlled the ball with my left foot & i gave a low curling cross into the box. Ken reached the ball first but i'm still wondering how he ballooned the ball inside the 6 yard box.

20th min: Rosland made a run into the box & he shoots! Unfortunately the ball went straight to their GK. Their GK made a weak pass up field. Precious intercepted the ball & the lob the ball into the net when their GK was off position. 1-0 to ermmm, i don't know what is our team name.

Nothing much. As usual, Precious & i are making a lot of runs & shots in. I made 2 nice runs into the last 10 minutes of the first half. @ their attacking third, i nutmeg their RM with my left foot but unfortunately, i'm too tired to outpace him. I got the ball within a minute later. I dribbled pass him this time & i made a shot.. Unfortunately, the GK gathered the ball easily. I"m totally shag by this time & i asked for a substitution. Within a minute i left the field, the refree blew for half time.

2nd half line up.

Kevin Bodybuilder Simon Precious
Rahman Lester Roslan Randy

As usual, Keiran want those who never get to play & play coz all of us pay the same $10. When i see this line up, i am starting to question the tactic. When the first half, Roslan & i played so well together but he changed him to CB? & putting Randy in the RB is a very big risk coz ermmm, he can't play soccer IMO. At least put him striker when he can hassel every ball their defenders get.

Nevermind, we get onto the match. Singapore Veteran made a few changes. Noticeally, 1 big negro is now playing in the middle of the park. He doesn't has the pace, but his powerful built & superb passing & control is having a very wonder effect on his team.

15min: That negro made a through pass into the box, our defender stood rooted to the ground, leaving their striker having a 1-1 situation with Keiran. Well, they equalised.

17 min: Very dubious goal! The ref is their manager. I cried Offside but he waved play on. This time, another through ball by their negro & another 1-1 situation. Damm, they are leading 2-1 now.

Our team is now playing like our usual self. LOSER style. Heads down. Simon, precious & me are still making many runs. I wonder @ which part of the second half. Their midfield took a shot @ long range. Keira let the ball sliped through his hand & we are 3-1 down.

A few minutes later, Another through ball by their midfield & we are 4-1 down. Not many of us are chasing after the ball already. Precious got fed up & called for a substitution. Rosland got subbed too, i wonder whta's wrong. Injury or giving up?

Somewhere like 10 minutes before the end of the game. Rahman scored a screamer from long range. Unfortunately, we cannot find a way to crawl back into the game. That goal was just a consolation. We lost the match 4-2 to the Singapore Veteran.

IMO, i'm happy to see the performance of the first half of our team. We made many passes & we had many chances. Our strikers just do not have the deadly touch. Nick, when i see him play when i joined this team 6 months ago, he played like bird: anywhere, anytime. A shot = a goal. Maybe he played & party too much during his last oversea attachment. I have improved quite a lot since the first time i touched a soccer ball again 6 months ago. Although i never get the form which i had during my JC times, but i'm happy with myself coz i played at most once a week. Can't expect me to play like my old-self. I actually thought i have recovered 70% of my old fitness, but i pant a lot today. Totally out of breath which i never encounter before. I hope is not because of the last drinking session which i puked for the first time.

I'm very happy to have played this match. This is the case of the battling spirit of Singapore Veteran. They never gave up & i think they have very nice sportsmanship.

3 cheers for Singapore Veteran.

ps: I just hoped LEster & Keiran just chopped a few players. I joined this team for fun & fitness in the beginning, but we just suck. I hope we can have better result so that i can look forward to the morning match every sunday.

Time for nap before i do my tutorials & research for project.


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