hah Kevin-

Monday, January 02, 2006

Hey hey. Merry 2006. Spent new year eve's at charmaine's house, i think i got her name correct? She's my friend's gf's friend. The dinner was supposed to start at 8pm, but then hey, timo & i was late, but 2 persons are even later.

Anyway, i dont know the people there, so i was watching TV all the time. Except when 1 suggest to play mahjong, ohhhh, last mahjong session of 2005 ended on a high for me. I never game 4 or 5 tiles but i still win in the end. Consistant small winning DO help. (Thinking of mahjong, i lost $170 yesterday.. first game of 2006 was sad.. when i'm the only 1 who game 5 tiles 1 time for the day..) Was watching shutter while playing mahjong, i do agree the finale was very disturbing, make me go a little bit humji while bathing at 3am just now..

btw, we played this game called pictionary. The game is like Win Lose or Draw. Since i cant draw or i dont know what other people are drawing. My team got thrashed twice. But then there was some periods of time which i keep laughing till i feel my abs muscle was going to burst.. hohoho.. highlight is worm guessed "Mona Lisa" when i just smiled at him.. hahahhas

Hmmmm, all of you have resolutions, i shall have too.

1) To have a overall winning in mahjong/cards/4D everything.. (i think i cant really do much about this. think i shall just accumlate luck by doing more good deeds.)

2) To go study when i plan a study day. (The last 2 weeks was supposed to be study week for me.)

3) To get a part time job so that i will know how hard is it to earn $$.

4) Naturally is to keep my spending low. I dont shop, i dont know where i spend my $$ on. But i think most of my $$ of 2005 are spent on boozes, cars/vans & i got addicted to shopping on xmas. I think this is bad coz there are so many things which i wanna buy..

5) I just joined a team in CSS, hope i can play more CS & become better. (I joined the game coz the spending is low. Imagine less than $10/weekend at lan shop.. hahaha)

6) To find a gorgeous gf. oh yeah, let me say the requirement once again. or i shall give examples.
jolin, rain, belinda, fiona xie, elisha cubert, keira knightley, paris hilton, zhen xiu zhen (forget how to spell her name), ann kok, fann wong, zZZZZzzzZZZZZzzzzzzz dream on..

I think that's all. & i think i get the definition of resolutions & wishlist wrongly?? hahah heck la..


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