hah Kevin-

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Update for my test results. Ain't fantastic, but both hit my expectations.

84% for POA
82% for Econs
72.5% for BCA (TYCO)

As most roads 'll be covered wif puddles of water, guys...do drive wif extra care. Ensure tt after driving ovr the puddle of water, pull ur hand brake or tab ur brake pedal a few times to dry or get rid of the water on the brake pads.
Slow down, avoid jamming ur brake....

ehhh, dont tailgate, switch on your headlight when visibility is poor. & i think switching on hazzard light while driving is dumb. not sure if it's the correct practice, when if you wanna switch lane, how? cock right?

I witness quite a few accidents on road these few days, not that i see when it happen, but the aftermath. I wonder, if everyone practice defensive driving, why will there be accidents? most of the accidents i guess, should be the cars going at high speed, tot everyday can turn in time, but due to the wet weather, the friction is lesser, then skid, then lost control of the car, then accident.

I see 1 almost accident. At lane 2, you can turn right or go straight. This bike at the left side of the lane wanna turn right, the taxi at lane 2 wanna go sraight. I am at lane 3. When the traffic turn green, i go very slowly coz i see the bike buey zhai liao, then he also never signal. after 1 or 2 sec, the bike goes right & the cab ram straight but jammed brake immediately after he hits the bike. So imagine, i do not care about them and i drive ahead. The bike falls & i will just over-run the bike. HAIZ

So everyone please, drive carefully. hahahha

ps: please make everyday 0 accident so that i can get to school on time. lol


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