hah Kevin-

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Chatted with my personal assistance after OB lecture today. Ermmm, she can remembers all the deadlines very well. Aha, very impressive.

Had lunch after OB lecture at around 1030am, gosh, i thought there's CIP lecture at 11am, so i rushed my lunch. NB, CIP is E-learning this week. Nevermind, went to library with my classmates to slack then go to Stats tutorial at 1.

Got back my common test 2 papers. Ok la, i aim 50/60 assuming no careless mistake. I got 45 points. A bit dissapointed with myself coz i have high expectation for myself for stats & econs now. I forget to find standard error & lost 5 marks for this. I calculated, Yixiu actually has a higher overall score than me. She's the top student in TB10 right now for stats sia..

Went for another lunch after tutorial & headed home. Went to gym & had an intense 45 minutes workout. I saw 1 ex skinny guy from YJC, omg sia, he's must more muscular than me now. I have slack too much since i enter poly. Can i regain my size & definitation?

After gym i went to wash my van. Went for a spin around Yishun after that. The joy of driving my liteace is back. Clean van with nice smell inside the van. Si beh shiok. Unfortunately, the joy will be short lived coz i believe the destroyer will bloody dirty it again. He messes, i clear up his messes. So fair. I notice something wrong with my rear right speaker, need to do something to make it work actually. Hmmmm, i will check out the wires some other times when i'm free.

Going to bath & have my dinner now. Later need to go down to Senkang to collect my sis's car so that i can drive it to school tomorrow & let the destroyer drives the van. You think i dun like the van? Nope, coz if i drive the van, i will receive endless sms from the destroyer asking when i will be home & if he can borrows my laptop etc etc.. argghhhhhh.. spare me please.!!


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