hah Kevin-: September 2005

Monday, September 26, 2005

Back from soccer. Woot, my first win with the team. Keiran put me @ left mid. Ok la, lucky that their right back is weak. I dribbled past time countless time. I scored the first goal. We won 4-2. Points to remember is that Simon dribbled past 3 people before lobbing the GK from by line. Goal of the match. Although my goal is ultra nice too. errr ahhahaha..

Guess i going to watch VCD for the whole day & nap today. Unless Jolene calls me.. hahah

Friday, September 23, 2005

Update. hahah, last sun was that mooncake fest. well, i drank till i high. but shiok. then after "sleeping" for 1 hour, i still can drive home & slept @ 6am. Wake up 12pm, no hangover. Good!

Monday: supposedly to go somewhere. well, cancelled coz someone's has her big auntie red visiting her. LoL
then i went for charm's birthday BBQ. tested whishkey green tea for the first time, hmmm, i like the taste.

Tues: Meet up with cock friends & HC. Errr.. watched movie "brother grimm". advice for all: dun watch it! Then i saw ashari, i bo hiew him, that racist fucker. Then went to buy barracude neu edge mouse pad @ the last minute. then i go fragging away.

Wed: nuttin, went to rent vcd "date with vampire 3" the gal @ the shop not bad..

Thurs: just passed.. aiya, these few days have been driving around.. right my right foot also pain liao.. travelled over 100km a day is no joke. Now i understand how tough it is to be a taxi driver.

Fri: coming.. wonder what will happen after i wake up..

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Exam finished today. 6 weeks of holidays. No program yet. Maybe every weekday has to send my mother to hospital by 2:30pm. That's all, my task is to send her home also. This means that i cannot take a temp full time job. Cannot earn pocket $$ for my next sem. :(

I actually played mahjong the day before my exam. Sigh, i need to get prepared for my exam in advance the next sem. This is my new sem's resolution. hahha

Monday is CIP paper. Crap through as usual.
Tues is econs paper. My most confidence module. I spent like less than 1 hour the night before to prepare for the paper. I know how to answer for 90% of the paper.
Wed is stats paper. Well, i spent about 3 hours total for revision. Just going through the examples from the lecture notes, never work out any extra question for myself. I know how to answer like 85% of the paper.

Wed night, i went to meet peeps from WLNY. (www.wholivesnearyou.com) Met up 8pm @ Yishun Dam then we went for dinner @ changi village. We then went for an expeditation @ OCH. Old changi hosptial. (Will include some pics later.)

A little bit of happenings only la. With my current streak, i will be unable to see those funny funny stuff. We reached OCH @ around 11pm. We went thought from level 1 (from above the stair) walked through almost every level to the lower block. Nothing happened.
We then start to take group picture. (someone spotted funny stuff in the picture.) We started to hear glass stuff (i think is glass bottle) being thrown from the higher block. We wonder if it's the prank of human or errr.. non? We wanted to go back in to investigate. Well, many people get tired so suddenly, hahah, so we went in with a much smaller group this time round.
This is the time when we started to hear a little bit of funny sound while we are inside the block.
I'm lazy to type everything out here liao. @ the last part, when we are leaving from the higher block, i raise my head & see this glass bottle being thrown out from like level 4. Grrrr, we find it too dangerous & we gotta chao liao. NB, @ this point, the bikers wore their helmets. They smart lor.. hahhaa

We left OCH & headed to MAC@sembawang for supper. After i parked my car, i am walking towards the mac & 1 of our biker met an accident with a taxi. sigh, this is caused by the OCH tour? Aiya, just bad luck i guess. But 2nd time i visited OCH, the 2nd time i hear bike accident story by people side me. Well, nothing happened to the biker but his bike errr.. quite jialat..

Wake up the next thurs morning @ 11. Eat my brunch & went to sleep again, wake up @ 3pm & went for my lunch. Then started to study for OB like 8pm @ night. Sleep @ 2am. wake up again @ 6am for last minute stuff. Please note that i spend most of the timing playing CS & chatting on msn from 8pm to 2am. hahah

Friday morning shag liao lor, finished my OB paper. Errr, it's like my Ocom, crapping thru everything. Since i get at least 42/50 for OB liao (assuming i get 5/10 for my tutorial points), i can definitely pass the module. If i just get a pass for this paper, i will get a grade B, but of coz, i hope to get A for OB la.. hahah chao tyco.

Finished exam loh.. went to lunch with crystal & lyn. & jevio? i dunno how to spell his name. We went for KTV after that. Nono, a new friend, came to join us shortly. Btw, some of the TB10 peeps are also there, but in another room. well, i find nono is talented in making people laugh. He can sings well too. As for me, i still cant sing.

Drive them around & i reach home after buying dinner for the family @ ~6pm. Played CS & sleep at 7pm. Wake up 830pm & went for jog @ 915 pm & after relaxing & bathing. Here i am blogging..


ps: next monday going OCH again u know?

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Woot. 5 more days to exam. 9 more days to 6 weeks of holidays. haha.. i'm waiting...

updating on my preparations. the following i only read thru, means haven go into detail.
i wrote summary for econs's market structure. summary for stats's last 3 chapters. ob read thru first 2 chapters.

hahas, not too bad liao la. my plan ahead

read thru ob all the notes by this week. go thru stats & econs qn on sat. sun do cip. next thurs touch up on ob.

that's it.

& i'm sick of doing housechors. any domestic helper wanna do pls give me a call or add me in msn.!!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

I forget to post. If you are free & know how to do housechor, come my house leh, i can pay u & treat u dinner. i'm serious.. coz my mum cant do it, neither the guys. well, i can do simple 1 only la..

Woah, holiday liao, exam coming week after next. Well, my timetable is like this, spend 1 hour on each module. that's all. hhaahha

anyway, played mahjong last night till 6am. this morning woke up by my sister early morning. she said that my maid ran away liao. haiz, dun wanna work then do till like this. anyway, the maid resigned this morning. she lied to us that her dad passed away blah blah blah. she gotta pay $$ to her agency liao la..

wake up, eat breakfast. went down to clean the interior of the van. ok la, i know the trick to clear up the mess by the destroyer liao. open all the doors, wet clean, then dry clean. trick done. no smell, no dirty stuff. 1 thing to note is that 1 of the seat cover is gone. the destroyer threw it away coz he told me he dirtied it. wah lau ehhh, that thing costs $30 sia.. then it started to rain very heavily, then good la, hahhaha, free van wash, although it will not be clean, but the van was very dirty to begin with.

actually wanna drive the van out for outing later, but then my bro drives it out liao, knn, gotta ask my sis for the jazzz liao.. petrol really siong lor. but nvm, she's paying for the petrol coming week. hahah

went out to return vcd & get new 1 for my mum. wah, the assistance @ the shop not bad. chatted with her a little bit. bullshit all these la. her mum is the boss of the shop. hahaha.. maybe next time can get discount. oh yar, i rent a dvd for myself also.

hmmmm, went out with $60+, reach home with $7. wah lau eh, vcd, dvd, lunch for family cost more than $50 sia. living expenses is really upupup liao.. somemore pump full tank for the jazz just now. Ron95, $54 after discount. how ex sia. i can imagine a matrix costing $80 for full tank.

then played mahjong again just now. just finished. heh.

as for my mum. she's getting better. she just did a mri scan on friday. need to wait i think 10 days for the report. then see how la, although i dunno if i should relax or worry. haizzzzz

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Pon school to bring my mother for her review @ the hospital today.

The womb which she had extracted, had an interesting twist. They discovered cancer inside on monday. The womb was removed last thursday. Hmmmmm, most of the cancerous thingy was removed though. There may still be some inside her. Now she has to seek opinion from 2 other specalists. Then we will know the outcome. As in if she need any extra treatment or what so ever.

ps: explained in lay man term. i dun really know any doctor language.

but thanks for all the encouragements.