hah Kevin-

Friday, April 28, 2006

Bought 3 tees from taiwan yahoo or something. Not too sure. Someone is helping me with all the transactions. Well, i paid total SGD $61.50. Those are the tees below.

New York MLB
Billionaire Boysclub

2006 korean style

Ha, consulted my fashion consultants over webcam and they "pass" it for now. Coz they cannot really see clearly. Well, wait till this long weekend is over before you can get to see me wearing.


ps: i will be working at sunplaza 11-9 at M1 shop. So come down and chat with me if u r free.


At 5:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i jus saw tt u linkd me..too bad u'r nt on xanga else i link u too..nvm..i put under ma custom module ltr.

aniwaes, cheer up, i buy u new lips kae??

n i lyk da "billionaire boys club" tee. u noe im crazee abt slogans..tt one jus reminds me of da "love me if u'r a millionaire" tee i wantd 2 buy tt time.

where's sunplaza n when'r u wkin'?

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

Sunplaza is just beside Sembawang MRT. Sat.Sun.Mon 11-9.


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