hah Kevin-

Sunday, April 16, 2006

A picture tells a thousand words.

I predicted that my weekend will be a very tired one. But heh, it's not! There's still so much of energy in me. Maybe it's the crowd i'm with?

Hmmm, i'm going out soon again~~ Only 4 hours of sleep last night.


At 6:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

hayyloooo ah beng! hvn't dropd by in awhile bt u've been taggin' me so i paiseh. heh.

aniwaes, jus read all da paz entries as well..wahh, ur van qt stylo-mylo ah...lyk ma fren's wrx!=D

(den hor) even if u nidda wk wkends, pls dun 4gt ur dear mj khakis esp ur rechargers lyk alys n me kae?! tk care laaa~*


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