hah Kevin-

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Woah, holiday liao, exam coming week after next. Well, my timetable is like this, spend 1 hour on each module. that's all. hhaahha

anyway, played mahjong last night till 6am. this morning woke up by my sister early morning. she said that my maid ran away liao. haiz, dun wanna work then do till like this. anyway, the maid resigned this morning. she lied to us that her dad passed away blah blah blah. she gotta pay $$ to her agency liao la..

wake up, eat breakfast. went down to clean the interior of the van. ok la, i know the trick to clear up the mess by the destroyer liao. open all the doors, wet clean, then dry clean. trick done. no smell, no dirty stuff. 1 thing to note is that 1 of the seat cover is gone. the destroyer threw it away coz he told me he dirtied it. wah lau ehhh, that thing costs $30 sia.. then it started to rain very heavily, then good la, hahhaha, free van wash, although it will not be clean, but the van was very dirty to begin with.

actually wanna drive the van out for outing later, but then my bro drives it out liao, knn, gotta ask my sis for the jazzz liao.. petrol really siong lor. but nvm, she's paying for the petrol coming week. hahah

went out to return vcd & get new 1 for my mum. wah, the assistance @ the shop not bad. chatted with her a little bit. bullshit all these la. her mum is the boss of the shop. hahaha.. maybe next time can get discount. oh yar, i rent a dvd for myself also.

hmmmm, went out with $60+, reach home with $7. wah lau eh, vcd, dvd, lunch for family cost more than $50 sia. living expenses is really upupup liao.. somemore pump full tank for the jazz just now. Ron95, $54 after discount. how ex sia. i can imagine a matrix costing $80 for full tank.

then played mahjong again just now. just finished. heh.

as for my mum. she's getting better. she just did a mri scan on friday. need to wait i think 10 days for the report. then see how la, although i dunno if i should relax or worry. haizzzzz


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