hah Kevin-

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

OCom, this module, is over. Heh, today was the last stuff for the module - table topic.

Wear something formal. get good reviews. hahahhahaah

Well, as usual, i am very nervous. I think i can talk, but i cant think of any nice content for all the topics i got so far. When Huimei was presenting, i just returned from the toilet. I dun wanna distract her by walking past her. I waited behind her. Then i think to myself "will this cause me to be the next speaker?"

WTH, if my 4d prediction is so zhun then good liao la.. hahaha, i just barely sit down on the chair then Ms Tan called out my name. My topic for the day is "Should we make it compulsary for companies to employ the disabled" I know this topic was relatively easy. Lyn, Crystal, Huimei & the gers are very nice. They trying to flood me with their ideas. GRRR, i dunno if they feel the same as i am, last minute information can actually make the situation worse.

I went to stand in front of the class, waiting for myself to calm down. I dun really have idea what to talk about. Then i went "good afternoon everybody blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blah." Saw vincent giving the 90sec signal, i went to finish up my last point & give my conclusion. Total time i took was 1m55sec. Ms Tan looked at me & said "very well done".

Aiya, i think she's just being encouraging coz i keep hearing this well done after almost every speakers. hhahaha, but i think this is da best of 3 sessions i did la..

anyway, went to biz stats lecture @ 2:15pm. but it actually finished liao.. kaoz, went to eat, gym, wash car then home i am now. blogging. lifeless..


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