hah Kevin-

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Guess what? TGIF again. ahha

Anyway, my mood is very foul now. I went to "inspect" the van after i had my breakfast just now. Woah, the most powerful damage by the destroyer ever.

I open up the door, i smell of shit, urine all these dirty smell. As usual, empty drink can, now add something else. A lot of wet toilet papers at the rear. Even the used parking coupon put at the "drawer" of the right door also got wet. (i dunno if he wet that drawer or he actually use those coupon to clean up his mess)

I throw away the car mat, the empty drink can, those papers & the cushions in the van. Seriously, i cannot imagine myself driving the van again. Worst case i will just take public transport again. Lucky that my sister is kind to lend me to drive her car during weekday.

Wah seh man, i heard from my mother he's leaving next week. But then he will come back again by end of month. WTH, i dun wanna drive such a dirty & smelly van. I dun wanna be disturbed every night when he comes home drunk. I dun wanna have a smelly & dirty room. I dun wanna not study coz i have no mood when he's around. I dun wanna him back in the house in short.

Some people envy me why i have a brother who can give me money sometimes. But have you ever think of how dirty (physically, not women stuff) he is? He brought 2 women home before so far. 1st: they got married, had a kid but divorced already. 2nd: the woman is married. they got together, but that woman went back to his husband. Cool huh? He wanna bring a third home, i mean my house where got space.? My mother also objects to this third woman again! Got my parents & leonard. Got me, got my sister sometimes with her bf. & there's 1 more maid. No more space la.. asshole!!

I really hope he can stay in that country for good. Come back once in a while, but stay in a hotel please. People can say "no matter what, you guys are still a family" Please, it was him who cause so many troubles in this family. If this guy behaves, there will be not so many problems in my family now.

A few major problems.
  1. Complains from my sister & i to all, all the times.
  2. problems from leonard. this is 1 hell of a major problem.
  3. worrying about what will happen to him every night when he goes drinking.
  4. worrying if he will do anything stupid all the time
  5. worrying if he will hurt us when he's drunk
  6. worrying if he will take the sleeping pill & walking around like a zombie.
  7. worrying if he will steal all my mum's medication for his own high.
  8. worrying about if he will crash himself for drink driving everynight.
  9. i worrying about the damage he will do to the van.
If that destroyer is reading this. Although we are brothers, i dun wanna forsake you. It was you who forsake yourself and force us to forsake you. I think father has enough of this family. Mother is going for operation, please dun do any more stunt. She was always so sad when i complain about you, & hears about your problem. Sister has already give you up. Please dun call her cheap. Although she was rather foolish about our parents' $$ thingy, but at least our family can still live comfortably now. Please stay away from home if you want me to get into studying. I remember the few weeks you went away recently, i can study myself in the room all the time, concentrating on my school. I excel in 2 of my modules. The moment you came back AGAIN, i lost all these will to study. You think i can focus in school when i cannot sleep well EVERY night? You think whatever shit you wanna think. WAKE UP!


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