hah Kevin-

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Eventful week, lots of signs to show something about me. LoL

Went OCH, Thailand & Midnight show with Lyn. :x

OCH: Went in & out 3 times in pair before i actually.. err, with a whole big group explore together. I got 3 scares that night. I just feel uncomfortable in new environment coz i dun feel scare @ all while i'm alone @ tekong.

Thailand: Shopped. Errr, bought 4 tees from this shop. I tested L & M. M fit good, L is too big. When i went for collar tee, that shoplady tell me same cutting so i never test & bought M, turn out to be quite tight fitting. grrrr.. then the ladies over there.. hmmm, they have nice hair. : )

Red shoes: Dun watch it!! typical boring scary show. The scare of the night, turned out to be from Lyn. haha


At 12:59 AM, Blogger KhengLyn said...

ur such a scaredy cat! BOOOOOOOO!!!


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