hah Kevin-: December 2005

Friday, December 30, 2005

Some of my fans ask me why i so long never update liao, i reply, if i were to update everything, then i need to have so many posts, i where got so much free time to blog?

ok, she requests me to blog about this.

HC was admitted to hospital, wah lau eh, she never tell me, ermm, y must she in the first place? it was a fine wed afternoon when i am surfing the forums when pa msn me "ehh, later we going hospital u wanna come?"
i reply WTH, go hosptial want me to go for what? so dirty, i see many scary things..
then he updates me about HC then i say ok lor, since i am rather free, but i wanna gym in the afternoon first coz i'm GAY.
then ok la, he tells me it's in the evening coz we have to wait for esther. ok lor...

i took a nap at 4pm after i tell pa about Yu tian's son becoming an idiot. many people say it's to escape NS @ taiwan, but i see, if this is the case, he's 1 of the top 10 pussy in this world..

pa actually wanna tell me that esther knock off at 5:45 & ask me if i wanna go fetch her, i say ok, after my nap. but i woke up at 6pm with 7 missed call. i called pa & he tells me that he's going to fetch esther first, we shall meet at the hospital..

i then rush my dinner & go down liao. i miss a turn & has to make a U turn that's so far away. anyway, i am lucky. i park my tofu van & i called them, they are still at the lobby.

when i saw HC, OMG, i wanna cry. she looks so ke lian, she never eat for 2 days liao & she has become so thin.. haiz.. (ok, i am faking about the part that i wanna cry, but she does look ke lian la)

as my usual self, i keep crapping & crapping. & esther said something about me again, "omg NATO, u r becoming a '88 liao"


we left at 8pm after i watch FULUSHOU @ her ward. we then proceed to lunch. errr, i was following pa's car when he never go straight, he make a left turn to dunno what road. (we wanted to go upper thomson to eat) i then follow him la, then i tell him to follow me. with logic, to get back to the road i need to go straight, i then go straight & pa turns left!! wah lau eh.. turn out that he's going the right way, then i go to a damm far place before i make another stupid U turn to long house. ermmm, opposite it to have our dinner...

sometimes, it's so fustrating to travel with people who dont seem to know the road well, making wrong turn, 1 wrong leads to another.. the weather was bad in the beginning & there's lots of fogging for my van.. but nvm, we reach somewhere to have dinner..

& that's all~~ (i shall not update what happen after 10pm.)

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Tiring week. -.-"

Monday was spent rushing Wcom.
Tues was nice, i slack at home the whole day.
Wed hmmmm, went to get myself deaf/drunk/dxxxx
Thurs was what? I cant remember
Fri ermmmmm, BBQing in the rain.
Yesterday went to smoke weed. apple mint flavour. i still get "seh".
Today will be another day of... a series of unexpected events...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Things to do for sunday

1) WCom project.
2) Cousin's wedding dinner

& monday.

1) Clean interior of van.
2) Clean interior of car.
3) Gym.
4) WCOM!! -_-"

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Taking a 30 min break, i went to play CS. Can't play wow anymore since i have cancelled my subscription 2 weeks ago. I wonder if it's the effect of feeling energtic, i have a very steady aim through the 30 min fragging session. It's the first time i'm playing so well since... ermmm, i started & quitted WoW.

Check out my awesome score. hehe

ps: someone has entered my life again.

The draw of UEFA Champions League is out.

Chelsea v Barcelona
Real Madrid v Arsenal
Werder Bremen v Juventus
Bayern Munich v AC Milan
PSV Eindhoven v Lyon
Ajax Amsterdam v Inter Milan
Benfica v Liverpool
Rangers v Villarreal

Here come many EXPERT's predictions.

Chelsea VS Barca: This is nice, macham final, but who will win i also dunno!

Real Madrid VS ARSE: This match not bad, macham semi final, but ARSE never go semi before, so by right MAO will win but by left?

Bremen VS Juve: Well, by right Juve should win, but by left Juve should do on first.

Munich VS AC Milian: Another classic match. By left or by right, this is a nice match to watch. Who will go on to next round, watch yourself la.

PSV VS Lyon: Can watch for fun, GH is taking Lyon, take Lyon to go onto the next round, then watch his side tio whacked later. lol

Ajax VS Inter Milian: With Figo @ Inter, by left & by right Inter will go through. *wink*

Benfica VS Liverpool: I think Liverpool may get the easier draw over here. First leg Liverpool may just win by a goal without conceeding. 2nd leg @ home, hmmmm, they might just go for a big win. Then watch next day, all Liverpool fan hao-lian to man u fans liao. But i think we should be humble la hor? Coz liverpool was really very sucky at certain point of time too.

Ranger VS Villarreal: Sorry ranger, but your adventure will end here.

ps: My predictions are as zhun as Mark Lee. If you do watch #8 on 17th Dec 2005 @ 830pm, you will know what i'm talking about.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

today is the first..

Monday, December 12, 2005

I seriously need a work now. Sigh

The bads just keep coming when my bro is back home.

Can i have a piece of good news please?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Amazing race is over. We got 4th overall. I think the race was not a very fair 1 though. Some stuffs that they do not mention properly. & thus, caused some time penalities for my team. Maybe my team can just clinch 3rd leh. But nvm la, just a game. hahah

Thanks to someone who keep helping my team though. *wink wink*

Monday, December 05, 2005

hehe, the interior of the van is almost done. Shifted all the speakers to the front for max enjoyment of the sound. shifted the sub to the center & carpetted the rear floor board. There's a neon light at the middle of the van when the rear door is open.

pic to be posted.. (when i got a cam)

Saturday, December 03, 2005

SCV wanna earn my money afterall, they came to install Max TV last night, with this outstanding bill of $10!!

Anyway, the uncle came with only 1 box, i mean, i sign up with 2 mah, then he keep insisting he's only doing his job, following the order only blah blah. yes uncle i know, working is tough. But i have must customer right too. I told him "I know your work is tough, 8pm already still work. BUT, i ordered 2 boxes instead of 1. Regarding your offer of installing 1 first, & install the other 1 if SCV finds out it's their fault, then the installation will be FOC too. But i tell u, i dont trust Starhub anymore. Call up your company again, i'm sure they will tell u to find another 1 before installing for me"

Well, he called back & told me he be back later with 2 boxes lor.. While he's on the phone, i ask him "Can ask to change bill to install a 3rd box for me?" 10 minutes ago he tells me that he can help me ask, then when i ask, he shakes his head.

How i feel?: I feel dulan with him. Giving me attitude, well nvm, i see him uncle so i relax..

Anyway, i put the digital box in my room. Wow, really very different from the old analog box. haha, so fun exploring all the new features. Lots of channels to watch for now coz they allow access to all channels. wonder for how long.

So what will be going on in my room for now? TV, mini home threater system on. @ any MTV channel & blasting when i'm in the room. Song siaaaa..

Tonight must be home by 8:40 pm. To watch liverpool VS Wigan. woot

ps: i am now a part time crouch potato or potato crouch. Which??

Thursday, December 01, 2005

SCV called me up, saying that they cannot install MAX TV for me!!! SAying that someone from my home owe them $, then even if my name has no debt, they cannot install for me. Nvm, forget it, i shall remain as a fan of mediacorpse.

Then WoW is too addictive, i cannot quit it, i think i will still carry on playing, but i will reducing the number of hours for WoW everynight.

Went for AceVanatic outing last night. Grrr, tio poisioned again. I will be paying $200 to shift my speakers to the front & sound-proofing the subwoofer, installing neon light & reposition the sub.

WASTE $$!!