hah Kevin-

Monday, November 14, 2005

Wanna slack for the day. Bird jio me to play GK for his team the previous night, but i reject him flatly. Really really wanna find a day & nua @ home. I did not even go play for my uncle's team today.

Bird sms me @ 1:30 "U wanna play? Outfield."

I called him immediately & meet him liao loh. WAke up so early, never drink any water & keep gaming, got headache. So i tried to have a cold shower. You know, there will be pressure playing competitively. What if i cause them to lose the game?


Today game is @ turf city pitch 1. Hmmm, oppopent is called dunno what new horizon. Made up of many youngsters, i think barely 18 & 2-3 uncles & 1 ang mo.

Aiyo, i think they gave up the game even before kick off. We started playing & lead 2-0 after a few minutes. They pull 1 back though. The first half end 4-1 to bird's team. Btw, i got subbed i think 10 minutes into the game. Aiya, ok la, i guest only, maybe they wanna access bird's fitness. I think i touched the ball only twice. LOL.

Anyway, 2nd half started. I still played @ my usual LM. (I think my left foot is getting so busy recently) A throw in to us @ our attacking third @ the right side. I pushed to the center. A long throw to legendary Jeffrey, he headed the ball to me. I volleyed the ball & GOALLL!!! hhahaa.. i scored again. 5-1 to us.

I took 4 shots total today. First shot, i wanna shoot, but i see a leg coming, so i wanna thigh it away, but thru lucky deflection, the ball went down onto my foot again. Inside the penalty box, i tried a toe poke shot. ARGHHHH, the ball was lobbed to the other end. Jeffrey tried to head for goal, but well, GK got it.

2nd goal landed in a goal. hehe

3rd shot, i ballooned the ball to dunno where.

4th shot, i was too tired, i tried a left foot long range. Went awefully off target. But ok la, i wanna kicked the ball away for some short rest.

Some incidents which i had with the oppopent. I wonder how come sia, is it because of my hair that made me look so unfriendly?

1st: A ball that is unreachable for me already. So i just stand over there. This guy, jersey no 14 came over & kicked my at my left calf. He fell down which i'm still thinking how the hell did he fall. & he shouted REFFFFFF.. WTF sia, he kicked me & he called for a foul? I got rather provoked & i turned to him "Kid, u kick me & u shouted for a foul? What do you want?" I walked away shaking my head. The ref saw it. Yup, the ref was on my side.

2nd: The oppopent got the ball. I went in hard for the ball, although i'm behind him, i truely swear that i only want the ball. He had a fall again. OMG, he's so weak. He fell & shouted REFFF AGAIN. I just keep quiet & he tried to kicked me while he's on the ground. Well, i'm still in control of myself. The ref saw it again & he gave a FK to my team. Well, i'm stunned that there's not even a yellow card for the young punk.

3rd: I was dribbling but the uncle cut & he got the possession. Of coz with my pace, i can outrun him easily. I shoot out my left foot for the ball. Yeah, touched his shin & he dived. LOL. He shouted for a foul but the ref gave a CK for my team. See la, he wanna dive then got retribution. The CK went straight into the goal. LOL

4th: I was dribbling, the uncle came over & pulled my jersey. I stopped playing, they got back the ball. The ref waved played on. ok nevermind. I chased for the ball again. It's like the second incident. The young punk went down & he wanna fight with me siaaa.... He shouted "He tackled you but you aimed me. Y u so unfair?" I replied slowly "Hey kid, i purely went for the ball just now. I'm not aiming u lehhh" HAha. The ref dunno y come over & help me again. Ahhh, both my shin almost got a cramp @ this moment.

Heng the game is finishing soon.

The game ended 7-2. Funny scoreline i admit, but bird's team has only 50% attendence today. The rest are all guests like me. Well, they are leading the table of division 6 by 5 points with one extra game played. They are going to get promoted to division 5 soon i suppose. Good luck to them.

Points to ponder.
1) Never had a win for such a long time. The feeling is great. I wonder if i should find another soccer team.

2) Well, i think i'm like a bully. I see those kid smaller size than me so i wanna eat them by replying so xia lan ly. ehh, they are not that small, but i think i'm rather big. hahahah

3) Is my hair so hostile now?? hmmmmmm


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