hah Kevin-: April 2006

Friday, April 28, 2006

Bought 3 tees from taiwan yahoo or something. Not too sure. Someone is helping me with all the transactions. Well, i paid total SGD $61.50. Those are the tees below.

New York MLB
Billionaire Boysclub

2006 korean style

Ha, consulted my fashion consultants over webcam and they "pass" it for now. Coz they cannot really see clearly. Well, wait till this long weekend is over before you can get to see me wearing.


ps: i will be working at sunplaza 11-9 at M1 shop. So come down and chat with me if u r free.

Monday, April 24, 2006

kev- lost his lips!!

Lips came off many times and i managed to find it. I really lost it this time.


Friday, April 21, 2006

Need help in getting your dream girl? DO THIS. I have succeeded. (in my dream)

Sunday, April 16, 2006

A picture tells a thousand words.

I predicted that my weekend will be a very tired one. But heh, it's not! There's still so much of energy in me. Maybe it's the crowd i'm with?

Hmmm, i'm going out soon again~~ Only 4 hours of sleep last night.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Show at 930 @ causeway point. I was hungry & i planned to have dinner before the movie. Bird told me to meet at ~845 but i push him till 830. In the end he called me at 912.. -_-" i was angry but oh well, he had to help me smuggle dinner into the cinema.

When i reached there, well, there was some changes and there was no priority que for collection. I, well, have to cut que with manners, requesting help from the staff over there. Luckily, we missed only 12 minutes of the show.

When we enter the cinema, it took less than 2 min before the robbery started..

It all starts out simply enough: four people dressed in painters' outfits march into the busy lobby of Manhattan Trust, a cornerstone Wall Street branch of a worldwide financial institution. Within seconds, the costumed robbers place the bank under a surgically planned siege, and the 50 patrons and staff become unwitting pawns in an airtight heist.

NYPD hostage negotiators Detectives Keith Frazier (Denzel Washington) and Bill Mitchell (CHIWETEL EJIOFOR) are dispatched to the scene with orders to establish contact with the heist's ringleader, Dalton Russell (Clive Owen), and ensure safe release of the hostages. Working alongside Emergency Services Unit (ESU) Captain John Darius (WILLEM DAFOE), all are hopeful that the situation can be peacefully diffused and that control of the bank and release of those inside can be secured in short order.

But things don't progress as planned. Russell proves an unexpectedly canny opponent—clever, calm and totally in command—a puppet master with a meticulous plan to disorient and confuse not only the hostages, but also the authorities. Outside, the crowd of New Yorkers grows as the situation becomes increasingly tense, with Frazier's superiors becoming more concerned about his ability to keep the standoff from spiraling out of control.

The robbers appear to consistently be one step ahead of the police, outwitting Frazier and Mitchell at every turn. Frazier's suspicions that more is at work than anyone perceives are justified with the entry of Madeline White (Jodie Foster), a power player with shadowy objectives, who requests a private meeting with Russell. The chairman of the bank's board of directors, controlling entrepreneur Arthur Case (CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER), is also uniquely interested in the moment-to-moment happenings inside the branch.

But just what are the robbers after? Why has nothing worked to alleviate the standoff, which stretches on hour after hour? Frazier is convinced that invisible strings are being pulled and secret negotiations are taking place as the powder keg situation grows more unstable by the moment. With loyalties and motives called into question, the detective engages in a risky game of cat-and-mouse—but with the rules of the game ever changing, one wrong move may take the volatile match closer to a disastrous and deadly conclusion.

This was a nice movie, no moment of boring-ness.

There was 2 questions by bird & HC after the movie.
HC: eh nato, there was more than 1 robber, how did the other escape?

The question of the century by Bird..
Bird: eh lips, how come the hostages were held inside the bank, but they can come out & the police can interrogate them 1 ah?

hahahaha. if u had watched the movie & u ask any of the above question.. well... i'm speechless.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Hey yo, i went shopping last night & i bought a pair of bermudas, a pair of straight cut jeans. haha, i am becoming a shopaholic. I bought the straight cut jeans for more formal wear when i need sometimes. & then i saw this berm, i like it quite a lot & i never see any1 wearing that yet. So it's not common outside. I'm turned off by the price of $55.90. But then after walking around, i decided, aiya, $56 is still ok la. when i buy, haha, there's 30% discount. woot. $39.10 net. Cheap cheap...

After that i wanna go for job training but the trainer wasnt around and then i went home & went clarke quay for a chilling session with some friends. Haiz, the chilling session wasnt worth it. We ordered vokda 7-up jug, but what we drank was 7-up. Lan lan, i order ultra big megum glass of Hoegarden. Well, i tasted the beer before but the taste was a little bit funny last night. Anyway, total cost was $50 for 1.5 glass of 7-up and that beer. Woot, freaking EX lor.

The berm bought at revoltage.

Pic of my $50 bike. Anyway, it's locked outside my house & that floor is not my house.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Went to collect my bike at AMK just now after the 9pm show. Since my van has no cargo space anymore, i took a bus down & ride home.

Woo, the feeling is great. Very cooling ^^

3 incidents though!!

1st: Taxi wanna right turn, i wanna cross the road. Green man for me. I slowed down before crossing the road & he made no attempt to slow down. Pui. He & i stopped after i just managed to avoid him. I show him the middle finger. I am so BENG SIA!

2nd: Lentor turning left to SLE for car. I just wanna use the zebra crossing to cross and go straight. There's this van almost banged into me when i cross the road using the zebra crossing. Ermmm, it's not my fault. But i think it's not his too. Well, he tried to brake pretty hard, but if he never brake, i should be in hospital now. After i crossed the road, he stopped and look at me. Since it's not his fault, i ignored him and cycled on.

3rd: There's almost no path to cycle along lentor already. The bush just at the right side of me. Left is drain already. Suddenly i hear this "cough" just beside me. !!!! Can see my reaction at that time. hhaa, then it's just some loud motorbike reving his engine very far away. But that sound is so near...

Managed to reach home safe & sound. $50 for a full suspension bike that's locked outside my house. Pretty worth it.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Everytime i see a progress in my life, i feel blessful or whatever the word to use here. Since i ORD, except for the fact that i'm studying in ngee ann poly at my age, everything else just keep getting better. Maybe except that my saving is running in the RED!! I'm poor & rich. Or rich & poor.

Van is a nice personal transport for me. Just installed new air-con in my house. It's so much cooler when i sleep now. Having more friends & i hope 0 enemy.

Just have a little dilemma right now. If i choose to work every weekends, i will have an extra income of at least $126 every week. That will be pretty enough for me to spend on my meals, transport, entertainment & shopping every now & then. But that will leave me unable to play anymore sunday soccer match. Talking about FBT, the team is just formed and i'm the captain. I love the responsibilty but sigh. Just what to do leh? Play or $?

& 2nd low point for me.
There's no one who i can share my joy & sorrow with. Yar, i feel pretty lonely sometimes... :((

Hey, long time no update. Coz i decided not to update stuff about soccer or mahjong. I think they are pretty boring stuff. Haha. Anyway, i have complete about 99% of making my van a cool one. Although these mods are relatively cheap, but hey, i think they are cool!!

Check out the pics below!

The initial dull & boring vanny.

Just another liteace on the road.

Notice the "flowery" floormat? & the stock seats? & those obiang stuff?

Below are the after mod over these 18 months.

My liteace.

I'm delivering tofu for Takumi in Singapore.

The sport seats enable me to drift without too much of body movements.

Interior dashboard

The guages help me to take note of my battery life & my engine's revolution.

Oh, i have limited cargo area now.

Able to seat 3 person comfortably.

Those clubs i joined.
