hah Kevin-: October 2005

Monday, October 31, 2005

buey ta han man.. feeling very terrible now..

went DXO @ ESPLande, wah lau how to spell? i know HC spell as expxxxx hahah. it's a celebration for esther la.. went with ermin timo & HC.

anyway, reach there last night 10plus then got Q 1 sia, so i tot inside a lot of people.. haha, go inside liao very empty 1.. dance floor empty, got tables for us also.. lol
cover charge $18, 1 bottle of jimbean $98. timo, ermin & me share bottle, kao man, that 1 bottle enough for 3 of us liao.. nothing to do, then keep drinking & drinking. then esther got some cigarettes for us, i smoked 2 or 3 sticks, i cant remember.. i also remember nigel, i think that's his name, a friend of esther, keep coming over & say "BOTTOM UP"

buey ta han man.. dunno what time, i think after boro lead 1-0 that time, i'm too high liao, the music there not nice, but i like the bass, super heavy hahaha.. then i seh liao la.. then i cant remember anything already..

i saw edwin puke, then i start to puke. i think i puke 2 times inside, then esther also high high & a friend of her pass me lots of tissue. hahah

then HC BF came to fetch her.. then we left 2 plus.. when outside, i cannot ta han also, puke 2 times again.. then i realised i'm alone outside, dunno where timo & ermin went to, but i can hear their voice, i think they are at a table behind me, then i lie on the grasspatch. yes i know it's ditry, but i feel better lying down.. haha

then some people, they also high, keep coming & talking to me & keep shaking hands.. brother brother, that's what i keep hearing.. lol

then timo & i share cab home lor, that driver is nice, prepare plastic bag for me.. then i puke inside 2 times also la..
the taxi ride is 1 hell of an experience.. the car macham moving @ 150mph.. haha, i keep kaopei-ing, ask the driver to drive slower hahha
i feel cold, so i kp ask him off air con can anot? i damm cold, then i feel hot, lol then heng i can wind down the window, & heng i never open the god damm door..

then i think i fell asleep before reaching expressway.. with the plastic bag slinging on my ears..

when reach my home liao.. i cannot ta han also, then sit on cab for another 5 min before i made my way home.. hahah.. bth siaaa

reach home on shower & i just sat there for dunno how long also... then quickly wear sth & sleep liao...

let me add sth.. hmmm, it's hallowweeee night so there got 2 female ghosts carrying baby, that 1 is damm scary.. then hmm, i remembered i called crystal & tell her y i dun like to club..

then DXO 2nd level is empty, got some comfortable sofa also.. hmmmmhm, i missed this morning soccer match. simon asks me if i can play on wed, i say ok, but he never gets back to me liao, so i assume no match..

oh man, this is the 2nd time i got hangover from drinking & 1st time that i puke from drinking..

the jim bean whiskey, i think is really not niceee.. yuckss...

u may be wondering what the hell am i typing, i have no much idea also.. still feeling miserable from hangover..

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Wah sian man. I woke up 10:50 in the morning & i thought the weather is nice. So i decided to go for a sun tanning session @ SAFRA. I reach the pool @ 11:30am exactly coz i thought this is the opening hours.

Went in, woot, the sun is still strong. So i apply oil on my body. Then @ this moment, cloud started to gather above me. Nice right? I decided to read a mag to see how, there's still sun here & there. Then @ 12noon, i give up coz i see very dark clouds above already.

I went to take a shower & when i came out, woot, sun is there again. This is not the first time already. Haiz, no fate leh.

Then go eddie's shop to take back my dvd & buy lunch & come home. Now going to watch DVD & slack @ home liao.

Gym in the evening.


Sunday, October 23, 2005

First pic of my toufu van. Taken from my HP T630. MMS to ermin5 & then he send me thru msn. Ji ma fan. Wait i borrow digi cam from bird, then can take pic of inside too, the sport seats look so niceee...

Friday, October 21, 2005

super happy today. haha, happy doing up my van. before i do up the van today, i feel actually a bit regret. coz i spray the bonnet black, then i find it not nice, coz the black is not the same as the bumper..


today i went to change sport seats with a friend of mine. he's selling me for $200, & i pay for the workmanship $40. so total $240. the seats are realll coollll... the seats usually cost nearly $800 for brand new, or ~$350 for second hand.. the seats are in very good condition also..

then i add sticker to my van, it's now a toufu van. when the stripes are up, i find it very nice already, after adding the jap name, woowoowowowoowooowwwwwww... ultra nice.. this cost $120!!

now i count, i use up a total of nearly $800 doing up the van this holiday liao.. hahhaa.. $$ fly away heart pain, but while driving the van i feel it's justifiable liao.. wooot

i will find a camera & take pic & upload everywhere when i have the chance.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Short update: Had a sweet dream last night. A lady whom i have a little crush on said that she likes me too. LoL. It's a DREAM. Then my alarm went off. !$#@*&^%$!

Off to the hospital now..

Monday, October 17, 2005

Back home from mahjong session. Haiz!!!

Anyway for the soccer match this morning, we lost again, 3-2. Played @ Tampines Seconday School, i would say that the pitch is good. Well, i scored again!!! hahaha.. From the left attacking third, i dribbled the ball a little bit, place the ball using my right to my left foot & i unleased an unstoppable drive drilling across the penalty box in the far right bottom corner, hitting the post before the ball went pass the line. Great goal! Woot. But then i will say that this goal is rather lucky coz i'm a right footed. I saw the ball going out for a goal kick already, but then i don't know how i add a little bit of swerve to the ball. Lucky but very nice goal. But my idea was there.. This kind of excutation is like 1 out of 10.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Back from washing the van. Due to my innovation, i remove the wheel cover. Woot, getting more similiar to Takumi's AE86, as in the tyres only la. hahha

going to ask ah kok to spray black for me also. Then maybe i will add sticker liao..

Just reached back home. I book an appointment with Ah Kok this thurs morning 7am for doing up my van. & I just went to eunos to fix 2 meters (RPM & Voltage) for my van. Costs a whopping $280!! As for the doing up, i will be spraying my bonnet to black colour, knocking the rear of my van which i knocked into a pole May 2005 & reinstalling the fog light cover which was stunned a few days ago. KNN! This make over will cost me $185.

All right, will add sticker to the bonnet after spraying & then see how la, see wanna do like Takumi's AE86 anot. LoL

Friday, October 07, 2005

Last night went for a mini class gathering @ XY's house. 7 person - XY, Fang, Lyn, Cry, Jia, Sher & me.

Woot, how find it was last night. hahaha, know a lot of secrects of 1 another. But hey, all dun feel gulity ok? Just for fun.

Oh yes, i got a lot of "blue-blacks" on my chest. damm! & some bite marks on my arms. IDIOT!

Slept for less than 3 hours but i dun feel tired right now. Maybe going down to change my Van's headlight cover later. That cover ah, swee ahhhh....

Those are the grades which i got for my first sem in poly. I consider it not so bad when i spend so little time on my studies. LoL. Florence just smsed me. kaoz, she got 3 AD & 3B+. Thrashed me totally. I have nothing to say.


Monday, October 03, 2005

Back from soccer. Got thrashed 7-1. But nevermind la, this team is only a social team whereas the oppopents are very organised. We lost out @ all departments. Haiz. Moment of the game. Nick made a far post cross from the left. I trapped it down with my chest & i placed far post from the right. Go.o.o.. got the post. ahhaha. but it was a real nice. Macham pro like that. I was lucky to control the ball in the first place.

Aftermath of the game. My right inner ankle, my left tight are bruised. They dun give face to a young guy like me also sia..

Feel a little bit sick when i woke up this morning. I have not fall sick for more than half a year already. Well, it's good to fall sick once in a while too. You can get to relax blah blah. But my throat seems to get better as time goes by.

The rest of the day will be spent @ Jolene's house. haha

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Eventful week, lots of signs to show something about me. LoL

Went OCH, Thailand & Midnight show with Lyn. :x

OCH: Went in & out 3 times in pair before i actually.. err, with a whole big group explore together. I got 3 scares that night. I just feel uncomfortable in new environment coz i dun feel scare @ all while i'm alone @ tekong.

Thailand: Shopped. Errr, bought 4 tees from this shop. I tested L & M. M fit good, L is too big. When i went for collar tee, that shoplady tell me same cutting so i never test & bought M, turn out to be quite tight fitting. grrrr.. then the ladies over there.. hmmm, they have nice hair. : )

Red shoes: Dun watch it!! typical boring scary show. The scare of the night, turned out to be from Lyn. haha