hah Kevin-

Saturday, November 19, 2005

2 sleepless nights. both woke up ~4:40am in the morning from 2 different nightmares.

but i still went back to sleep after drinking a glass of water. ermmm, this is not called sleepless night ah? lol

ok la, 2 nightmares @ the same timing. so zhun sia.

now need to go nap liao, the dog is so noisy. that's why i don't like to rear pet. btw, that dog is my sis's. who wanna adopt please let me know. my email is kevin_figo@hotmail.com this is for real ok? not a hoax.

male maltese 3 years old.

ps: not bad leh, class ended @ 10am, i still can pia home after lunch & blog before i sleep. if singapore's traffic is so clear like this 24/7. i can sleep 30minutes more every day.


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