hah Kevin-

Saturday, November 19, 2005

check this out. before i nap, someone added me in msn & assume that i am the most helpful person in the world.

kev- says:

this is?

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

oooo i a guy from acnova forums

kev- says:

hmm ok

kev- says:

what's up?

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

hey i heard u play wow?

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

Why can't i create account using credit card or even debit card?

kev- says:


kev- says:

create acc?

kev- says:

did u buy the game?

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:


A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

yes i did

kev- says:

& then?

kev- says:

u played for a month already?

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

ok it says my card no. invaild

kev- says:

then u check ur card again

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

got 30days free mah

kev- says:

expiry date

kev- says:

card no

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

But i confirm is correct

kev- says:

the last few digit behind

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

cos i do the same for 10days trail

kev- says:


kev- says:

st wrong with ur bank i suppose

kev- says:

u can either call up ur bank

kev- says:


kev- says:

call up billzard

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

i heard alot of people use aus zip to create?

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

Call blizzard? ain't that in us?

kev- says:

use aus zip?

kev- says:

what for

kev- says:

i use singapore

kev- says:


kev- says:

i have no idea how to solve ur problem

kev- says:

what u can do is again

kev- says:

check ur card

kev- says:

did u make credit paymeent with the same card b4?

kev- says:

i know they do accept debit

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

ok so if i call blizzard = long distance call?

kev- says:

or u can email them

kev- says:

ask them what's the problem

kev- says:

tell them ur problem

kev- says:

but dun give ur card detail

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

I only use my visa mini and posb debit to create account before on 10days trial

kev- says:

10 days trial!

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:


kev- says:

then u need to buy the game to play right?

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

I brought already

kev- says:

email them

kev- says:

this is what i know

kev- says:

i;m not tech support here

kev- says:

no idea what's gg on

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

lol hahaha

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

So calling blizzard = long distance?

kev- says:

if ext is US

kev- says:

yes of coz

kev- says:

how old r u?

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

i not sure it is 1800

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

i'm 21

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

the number starts from 1800-

kev- says:

ok, i'm not free for chat, please don't message me anymore

A Name Is Wh@T SiGniFies ThE ExiStEnCe oF an ObJecT. TheReFoRe If the N@mE iS FaLse ThEn ItS ExIstencE itSelF is AlsO FaLsE says:

like call for charity wan

Then i block him. the way he talks, i don't find him like a 21 years old adult, get what i mean? credit/debit problem ask me? then call US: is it a long distance call?
the number start 1800, then go pay phone & u can call it for free right?
charity starts with 1900 btw.



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