hah Kevin-: August 2005

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

OCom, this module, is over. Heh, today was the last stuff for the module - table topic.

Wear something formal. get good reviews. hahahhahaah

Well, as usual, i am very nervous. I think i can talk, but i cant think of any nice content for all the topics i got so far. When Huimei was presenting, i just returned from the toilet. I dun wanna distract her by walking past her. I waited behind her. Then i think to myself "will this cause me to be the next speaker?"

WTH, if my 4d prediction is so zhun then good liao la.. hahaha, i just barely sit down on the chair then Ms Tan called out my name. My topic for the day is "Should we make it compulsary for companies to employ the disabled" I know this topic was relatively easy. Lyn, Crystal, Huimei & the gers are very nice. They trying to flood me with their ideas. GRRR, i dunno if they feel the same as i am, last minute information can actually make the situation worse.

I went to stand in front of the class, waiting for myself to calm down. I dun really have idea what to talk about. Then i went "good afternoon everybody blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blahblah blah." Saw vincent giving the 90sec signal, i went to finish up my last point & give my conclusion. Total time i took was 1m55sec. Ms Tan looked at me & said "very well done".

Aiya, i think she's just being encouraging coz i keep hearing this well done after almost every speakers. hhahaha, but i think this is da best of 3 sessions i did la..

anyway, went to biz stats lecture @ 2:15pm. but it actually finished liao.. kaoz, went to eat, gym, wash car then home i am now. blogging. lifeless..

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

nice that my mum is out of the hospital. the op went nicely done. need to go back turs or wed for a check-up. nuttin much happening this week.

i fucked up my ocom as usual. cats presentations was well done. ob presentation was well done. Thanks to my... hahahhaa...

oh btw, i passed my ocom written test. good job kevin!

chatting with lyn now. 2 boring person @ home at this time. what a losers!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Today soccer match is another loss. But there's one thing which we can celebrate. I played so damm well. aha. We lost 4-3 unfortunately but i created 2 goals & scored 1 myself.

Let's talk about my goal, it's a long range cross shot. I aimed for goal coz there's no-one in the box. It was such a chio goal. muahhahaha

No program today. Now i will eat & do a bit of cip blogging later before i go for my mahjong session. Tonight need to go to my encik's dad's funeral.

Friday, August 19, 2005

2 AM in the morning & i'm blogging. What a waste of time.

Had my OCom test the previous evening. Well, just pray that i can pass. That's all i can ask for. Wanna went home after that. I'm driving on clementi road when my personal assistance called me "hey, wanna pool??" i was stunned la, ok lor, go pool lor..... Vince also went..

Then eat mac, wah lau, i only like BK lor.. then went to pool.. & play..... nothing interested.. I used to be quite good in billard during my O levels, or is it during A levels, i forget... now play like puke.. nvm, at least i have some rough idea of placing the cue ball, but i cannot execute the move properly almost all the times.. only last game that i really take note, but what the hell, i port wrong pocket for black ball & i lost to.........her, a lady..... from my experience tonight, pool is very different from billard.. Any newbie can win with luck.! HAH!

Got myself a "Part-time girlfriend" tonight. ahahahaha.. note only part time hor.. mean i'm still available. To my potential GFs, please dun walk away..

grrrr, back to work, gotta think of a skit for my CATS.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Wake up at 7:30am & went for the soccer match. Almost full squad was there. All positions have good players except for 1 make shift center half. We started out brightly & lead 2-0 by half time. They pulled 1 goal back before we made it 3-1 again. We started to get too relaxly & the final result is 3-3. My body was feeling so hot after the game. Too long never fall sick liao la, now also got ulcer. pain sia..

What i felt about the game, hey, this was the best game ever. Just need all the better players to come down then ok liao la. Aha, but, i got the golden number 7 for my jersey for the team.

Went for a drink session with the team after that & reach home 12:30pm. I'm too full for lunch so i take a long shower & go to sleep. Was super duper hungry & lucky that my mother bought lunch home. I went back to sleep immediately after the lunch.

Woke up 4:30pm to edit my CIP ppt. I sent to Sara, she went to change many things. Ahaha, that's why i say woman are troublesome la....

nvm, played Counter Strike: Source for a while again. Hope i can get down to mugging later.. Ocom test is coming thurs..

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Won $60 in mahjong today. 3 players game, very exciting. I played with my sister lynn & my cousin in law Jolene. I "Di Hu" 2 times. That is i game immediately when the first card is thrown. Shiok sia... woot woot.

Going out for family dinner now, ahha, haven study Ocom.. Tml morning soccer match. Hope to get first win.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Guess what? TGIF again. ahha

Anyway, my mood is very foul now. I went to "inspect" the van after i had my breakfast just now. Woah, the most powerful damage by the destroyer ever.

I open up the door, i smell of shit, urine all these dirty smell. As usual, empty drink can, now add something else. A lot of wet toilet papers at the rear. Even the used parking coupon put at the "drawer" of the right door also got wet. (i dunno if he wet that drawer or he actually use those coupon to clean up his mess)

I throw away the car mat, the empty drink can, those papers & the cushions in the van. Seriously, i cannot imagine myself driving the van again. Worst case i will just take public transport again. Lucky that my sister is kind to lend me to drive her car during weekday.

Wah seh man, i heard from my mother he's leaving next week. But then he will come back again by end of month. WTH, i dun wanna drive such a dirty & smelly van. I dun wanna be disturbed every night when he comes home drunk. I dun wanna have a smelly & dirty room. I dun wanna not study coz i have no mood when he's around. I dun wanna him back in the house in short.

Some people envy me why i have a brother who can give me money sometimes. But have you ever think of how dirty (physically, not women stuff) he is? He brought 2 women home before so far. 1st: they got married, had a kid but divorced already. 2nd: the woman is married. they got together, but that woman went back to his husband. Cool huh? He wanna bring a third home, i mean my house where got space.? My mother also objects to this third woman again! Got my parents & leonard. Got me, got my sister sometimes with her bf. & there's 1 more maid. No more space la.. asshole!!

I really hope he can stay in that country for good. Come back once in a while, but stay in a hotel please. People can say "no matter what, you guys are still a family" Please, it was him who cause so many troubles in this family. If this guy behaves, there will be not so many problems in my family now.

A few major problems.
  1. Complains from my sister & i to all, all the times.
  2. problems from leonard. this is 1 hell of a major problem.
  3. worrying about what will happen to him every night when he goes drinking.
  4. worrying if he will do anything stupid all the time
  5. worrying if he will hurt us when he's drunk
  6. worrying if he will take the sleeping pill & walking around like a zombie.
  7. worrying if he will steal all my mum's medication for his own high.
  8. worrying about if he will crash himself for drink driving everynight.
  9. i worrying about the damage he will do to the van.
If that destroyer is reading this. Although we are brothers, i dun wanna forsake you. It was you who forsake yourself and force us to forsake you. I think father has enough of this family. Mother is going for operation, please dun do any more stunt. She was always so sad when i complain about you, & hears about your problem. Sister has already give you up. Please dun call her cheap. Although she was rather foolish about our parents' $$ thingy, but at least our family can still live comfortably now. Please stay away from home if you want me to get into studying. I remember the few weeks you went away recently, i can study myself in the room all the time, concentrating on my school. I excel in 2 of my modules. The moment you came back AGAIN, i lost all these will to study. You think i can focus in school when i cannot sleep well EVERY night? You think whatever shit you wanna think. WAKE UP!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Chatted with my personal assistance after OB lecture today. Ermmm, she can remembers all the deadlines very well. Aha, very impressive.

Had lunch after OB lecture at around 1030am, gosh, i thought there's CIP lecture at 11am, so i rushed my lunch. NB, CIP is E-learning this week. Nevermind, went to library with my classmates to slack then go to Stats tutorial at 1.

Got back my common test 2 papers. Ok la, i aim 50/60 assuming no careless mistake. I got 45 points. A bit dissapointed with myself coz i have high expectation for myself for stats & econs now. I forget to find standard error & lost 5 marks for this. I calculated, Yixiu actually has a higher overall score than me. She's the top student in TB10 right now for stats sia..

Went for another lunch after tutorial & headed home. Went to gym & had an intense 45 minutes workout. I saw 1 ex skinny guy from YJC, omg sia, he's must more muscular than me now. I have slack too much since i enter poly. Can i regain my size & definitation?

After gym i went to wash my van. Went for a spin around Yishun after that. The joy of driving my liteace is back. Clean van with nice smell inside the van. Si beh shiok. Unfortunately, the joy will be short lived coz i believe the destroyer will bloody dirty it again. He messes, i clear up his messes. So fair. I notice something wrong with my rear right speaker, need to do something to make it work actually. Hmmmm, i will check out the wires some other times when i'm free.

Going to bath & have my dinner now. Later need to go down to Senkang to collect my sis's car so that i can drive it to school tomorrow & let the destroyer drives the van. You think i dun like the van? Nope, coz if i drive the van, i will receive endless sms from the destroyer asking when i will be home & if he can borrows my laptop etc etc.. argghhhhhh.. spare me please.!!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I have no more joy when driving the van, since the destroyer is back home. Everytime he's away, i can live happily. I can do whatever i want ALONE in the room, as in there's no1 to disturbe me when i wanna study.

Freak, this happiness is so short-lived. He's back home, messing up the room, messing up with the van. I put 1 car perfume in the van, the first night he drove out, it ends up on the floor. Some of the content spilled onto the windscreen. The van is so dirty when i never drive it for 3 days. The car seats got out of shape, there's sweet wrappers all around the van, the remote got damaged (I'm still not sure if it's the maid who wet the remote. KNN) WTF!!!

If you are reading this blog, you have a room to spare, please let me know, i wanna move OUT!!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Opps, lost $$ in mahjong again today, $160. It's a new record already. 6th straight loss sessions. But nvm la, at least there's some positive today. Coz there's 1 guy who is on luck today. I make 1 rare winning today. "San An Ke" Eg: 111,222,333,44,55, then zi mo 4 or 5. It's the limit also. (Players include my sister, her BF Guowei & my cousin in law Jolene.)

Maybe i will take a break from mahjong, since projects, tests & exams are just around the corner. But nvm, i am going to write summary for biz stats now, then sleep earlier for a soccer match tomorrow morning.

Since i joined that team, we only managed a draw, & lost all the other matches. It's not that they are lousy, but i believe they lost coz they wanna try some new players in critical position. We always lose in the second half. But nvm, hope tomorrow is a better day.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Finally, i'm sick of playing Counter Strike: Source. I find my quite an average players who can sometimes keep on fragging. I was on good form last week, i can get a 7:1 ratio. These 2 days, yuck, dun wanna talk about it. Lost interest in playing the game. No wonder this kinda of game cannot last that long. Except for people who are really good.
Therefore, i can spend more time on studies from now onwards.

I drove my sister's new Honda Jazz this evening. It's easy to drive, the steering is very light, or maybe i'm getting too strong? hahahahhah, jkjk. It's kinda of weird to drive a car when you have been driving a van for a period of time. The views from a van are high, the mirrors are big. With blind spots mirrors installed, i can practically see everywhere from the driver seat. Oh yes, thie ICE in the van rock. Can blast songs 1..

As for the jazz, i had mentioned, the steering is light, the acceleration is fast imo. You do not have to rev high to pick up fast. The engine is really quiet. (Maybe liteace's diesel engine is just way too noisy.) Aiya, driving a car is totally different from driving a van la. The FC for jazz is at least 14km/L i think. That amount to about $0.50 extra per L of petrol as compared to 1L of diesel.

Oh yes, since the soccer game on sunday, i get rashes, on sensitive areas too. Trying to make myself sleepy so that i can sleep asap. CAnnot focus on study for tonight.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Went for Ace Vanatics gathering last night. Saw lots of exotices Acers man, but of coz, talk a lot of stuffs. There's this Victor Tan who talked to me about bodybuilding too. Best hairstyle belongs to Eric, godspeedyou. He looks kind of funky too. Best liteace's exterior i think should be Techlink la, how he get noah orginal kits? Best interior will be duckrice! OMG, his liteace's interior is so ultra special. How did he manage to talk with LTA & pass those mod? ahaha.. By right it's a subwoofer, but at least 2 persons can sit very comfortablely.. There's this MAtthew's LA. Look like Initial D Takumi AE86. I hear his racing stories, omg, can fight with a lot of cars too. & he help me to tune my sound systems too, i find the sound much nicer. Thanks ah.

more pics info @ http://vanninculture.com/news09.htm

Wake up early morning for soccer match. Not so bad, but the result was not to us. Shall not disclose the score. Lester says he wants me to sign a contract. But i think i'm always quite a good player for sunday football 1 la. Just put on my boots again, need more time to regain my fitness & touch. If i can play till my 2001-2002 standard then good la..